Home Everything Crypto How To Setup Any Network with Metamask

How To Setup Any Network with Metamask


This article is to help people setup their Metamask. Will work with any network running the Ethereum like blockchain. I will however also include some of the networks i know. There is now and days so many networks running Ethereum like chains. I will show about everything.

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1. Download Metamask

First you will have to go to https://metamask.io/ and download Metamask. You can get Metamask for Chrome, Firefox, Brave and Edge. However you can also get it for mobile, but today is done on Desktop browser. Then just follow the steps to install your wallet and save your words.

2. Settings

Now open your Metamask and login with set password. From there click on your icon far right corner. Then you will go to settings.

3. Networks

On the setting page scroll all the way down. There click on Networks to get to the next page.

4. Adding Network

On the networks page you will see all your current networks. However its also where you add new networks by clicking Add Network.

5. Network Details

On this page you will have to fill out the details of the network. If you however aren’t sure of these details you can ask the team behind it for it. You can also simply connect to a swap using metamask and it should ask to setup the network for you.

The info in the image above is for HECO chain.

When you have filled everything in just click save and you are done.

Adding Tokens of other blockchains then ETH

Like with ethereum tokens, you can’t just search tokens on other networks. You will manually have to add it by contract address. You can however find these contract addresses. Just go to the blockexplore like Hecoinfo. Search up the token name. Click on it and you will get to a page as shown in the image above. You will then find the contract address under Contract.

Copy this address and then go to metamask under HECO chain and click Add token.

Then paste the Contract address into first box and the rest should fill it self. Now click Next and then Add Tokens.

Done you have now added a new token. This methode works for any ethereum like blockchain on Metamask.

You can find above page here: https://hecoinfo.com/token/0xbf84214ea409a369774321727595f218889ed943

Blockchain Networks

Here is a small list of blockchain networks you can add to Metamask.

Binance Smart Chain

Network name: What ever you set
New RPC URL: https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/
Chain ID: 56
Symbol: BNB
Explore: https://bscscan.com


Network name: What ever you set
New RPC URL: https://rpcapi.fantom.network
Chain ID: 250
Symbol: FTM
Explore: https://ftmscan.com/


Network name: What ever you set
New RPC URL: https://rpc-mainnet.matic.network
Chain ID: 137
Symbol: MATIC
Explore: https://polygonscan.com/


Network name: What ever you set
New RPC URL: https://http-mainnet.Hecochain.com
Chain ID: 128
Symbol: HT
Explore: https://hecoinfo.com

I hope this post have helped you a lot setting up your Metamask. Please consider sharing this posts with your friends and socials to help me a ton too! If you have any questions feel free to ask them in the comments.



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