In this post i will help you setup mining with Prohashing. However i will only show how to setup CPU mining. I will be including links to other miners for GPU mining too. Its fairly easy but i will still show you step by step how to get started. Anyway please remember if you saw my last post that my prohashing link will give you 0.5% exstra on your mining the first 30 days.
What is Prohashing

Prohashing is a mining pool that does things a bit differently from others. As they let you mine 16 different algos, they let you get paid in totally different coins. Instead of getting paid in eg ETH you can choose to get paid in Dash if you set that under your payment option.
ALSO READ: Mine Ethereum Or Ethash Using Prohash Easy
Setting Payment Options

To set your way you want get paid just follow the image above to get to the page. When you are on the pageg click Add New Payout Option. New window will open where you can choose what coin or token you want to be paid in or if you want to send it all to charity. You can also choose to send it as USD to your coinbase account.
Just add your address to your wallet with no min amount to deposit.
When you have set the wallet just write 100% in that target proportion section unless you want to share everything between more coins.
Worker Configurator

You can find the worker configurator under the Tools menu in the main menu. However if you look in the image above all you will need to replace is the username Caltv93 with your own. With this you only really need the defualt shown. I wouldn’t play around with Worker name unless you have more then one miner.
The rest i would only work with if a solo miner or experianced miner.
Monero Mining Software
- XMRig (CPU Miner) –
- RandomX CUDA Miner (NVIDIA) –
- Open CL Miner (AMD) –
- XMR-STAK-RX – Free Monero RandomX Miner (CPU) –
Setting Up The Miner
In todays article i will be using XMRig to setup mining on Prohashing and i will recommend you to do the same.

First you will have to go to the Github page linked above. When you are at the Github page pick the version that fit the best for your system. When you have the .zip or .tar.gz file downloaded please unzip it a place where you can find it for the next section.

Second you will have to open the folder and find the start.bat/cmd file. Right click it and press edit with Notepad/Notepad++.

Third and last thing is add the information you where given from the Config page on Prohashing. When you have added in the info as shown in the image above then you press Ctrl + s to save it(if on windows).
@echo off
xmrig.exe -a randomx -o stratum+tcp:// -u Caltv93 -log
Then when everything is saved you just double click the start.bat/cmd file and it will start mining.
This will open a window where it will start mining, however it can take a few seconds to read you system before it starts mining.

If you have done everything right your dashboard should look like this as well as your miner. As soon it has accepted its first share you are all good to just let it run.
If you scroll down a little on the dashboard you can see balances of the payout coin. This balance will update with time you earn from mining.
You will be paid automaticly to the wallet you set under payouts when you reach the min for that coin.
Please if this article helped you to get started, please give it a share to your socials.