Today i will be showing you what i do to earn BXT from Bucksify. If you havn’t seen my post around Bucksify i would recommend you to click here and take a read. Anyway, this site is not for every country out there. There will be countries which will have no surveys or offers. However you can always sign up and check if there will be any for your country.
There is over 20 offerwalls so it would be strange if you can’t find anything to do.
I will be talking about the offerwalls i’m normally using and how to max out your earnings when you withdraw. You can always join the website by clicking any of the yellow text in this article.

The Best Offerwalls

There is a ton of offerwalls to take a picking from. There is a few i think is worth the try. You can have a test on all of them if you want to see what works best for you and the region that you are from. You can press the heart on the offerwalls you like to have them show at the top always.

First offerwall will be Theoremreach. This is the offerwall that i am using the most. They are only dealing with surveys and is fairly high paying. If you get sorted you still get rewarded with 100 BXT. There is new surveys daily, tho most come around sunday/start week. This offerwall do pay the most from getting sorted out compared to the other one that do that.
CPX Research

Second offerwall on my list is CPX. This offerwall however seem to pay out more. But do also have a high sort out rate. This offerwall also only pay 30 BXT to get sorted out. If you happen to be the perfect match for the surveys of this offerwall then you can earn a ton.

Third offerwall comes in two parts. In reality when it comes to their surveys i would recommend to go to Routers. This section have the highest paying surveys on wannads.

The second part of Wannads are the task part. Instead of surveys you have to download mobile apps or sign up to websites. You will however have to do tasks on the mobile apps or the websites you signed up. You can read more about the task on the offerwall.
Earn More With Levels

As you can see on the image above levels matters a lot. The higher level you have the more rewards from offers. While you can earn up to 100% it will still first happen at level 190. You need to earn 1000 BXT per 100 XP. But daily bonus and hourly gift will grow a lot per level.
Wait With Withdrawals

This is one of the few sites paying you to withdraw bigger amounts. You can get up to 8% more crypto by withdrawing 300,000 BXT instead of 50,000. However there is some cryptos like ETH that do not have that since you can only withdraw 300,000 BXT on ETH because of high fees compared to the others.
I hope this post have given you a better understanding where to start. However its up to you to find out what works the best for you. I can only show you a guide on what i think. Anyway if you still do not have a Bucksify account Click here to sign up.
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