I’ve included Biswap before in one of my posts, but never really explained a ton about the project in my mission to help people earn more money while they hodl their crypto. You can find my post here. Like every other post, any of the links support me. My Biswap link share my earnings 50/50 with anyone using it.
I will be adding a how to add BSC to your metamask wallet.

As seen in the image, Biswap is the first Defi on BSC with a 3 part affiliate system. I will explain a bit more about the affiliate system later. First i will have to explain the different things of Biswap.
The Exchange

Like with any DeFi, there is a swap function. Tho Biswap gives a lot back to the comunity returint up to 100% of the fee in BSW tokens. Tho you will gain a little more with my referral link. There is a lot of coins you can trade on Biswap too so you always can find your coin.
Liquidity Explained

Liquidity works a bit different on Biswap. You do provide it as normal, but instead of earning like normal you gain LP (liquidity points) which you will use on the farm. I will explain more about after this about liquidity. You can earn LP from any pair you set. It doesn’t matter which two you add.
How Farms work

Now here is where you need to use your LP. On Biswap you just go to the farm section and click Enable Farm. You will then stake LP and earn BSW worth over $2 per coin at time of writing. More farms have higher APR then others so pick your favourite.

This function let you stake your BSW tokens. While you do that you help tokens get listed and have exposure. Its one of the functions special to Biswap. But hurry up while the APR is this high, its slowly falling each day. You can also learn more about it on the launchpool page.
Referral Program

Biswap comes with a very rewarding referral program. Even tho i’ve give 50% of my earnings to the users i still have made over 1 BSW in no time from one user. While his amount keeps growing we both keeps earning 2.5% exstra. You will so far gain BSW from farms and launchpools, but we still waiting for the swap referral program to be added.
How to add BSC to Metamask
So since Biswap only works on BSC you can only either use Trustwallet, Binance chain wallet or BSC on Metamask. Anyway lets get started on adding BSC to Metamask.

First you need to open your Metamask. Then click the dropdown as seen on the image above and then click on Custom RPC.

You should get a window like this where you can add the needed chain info.
Network name: What you wanna call it.
New PRC URL: https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org
Chain ID: 56
Currency Symbol: BNB
Block Explore: https://bscscan.com
Now just click save and now you can pick the network to start connecting to BSC sites with metamask. To add BSC tokens on Metamask you need to do it with contract address.

Its simple to add new tokens, You can always find the contract address on bscscan. Click add token and then paste in 0x965f527d9159dce6288a2219db51fc6eef120dd1 into the first box. It should automaticly add all details. Now just click next and then add token and now you have added BSW to your Metamask.
Now i hope this article helped you to understand Biswap and earn more with Biswap. Its my goal to stop people using scam investment sites and teach them about safer options like this.
If you want to support me with BSC tokens or BNB please use the wallet address: 0x65a61022531e3263Ef32C6B3229d8712353ec345